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Culture Differences Can Make or Break Cross-Border M&A

Business owners involved in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) frequently overlook the complex issue of cultural differences which can play a part in making or breaking international deals.Left unaddressed, they can result in deals stalling – or potentially worse – proceeding but failing to maximise returns for the seller or deliver future value for the buyer.

Moore Corporate Finance Netherlands named Dutch Mergers and Acquisitions Firm of the Year

Moore Corporate Finance Netherlands has been named Dutch Mergers and Acquisitions firm of the year in the large category. This happened during the Merger & Acquisition annual conference on 11 December 2024 in Utrecht. After a very positive jury opinion and many public votes, the Dutch Moore Corporate Finance firm, locally known as Crossminds,  received the award on stage.  

The Increasing Role Of Artificial Intelligence In M&A

The use of Artificial Intelligence in cross-border mergers and acquisitions is accelerating as dealmakers explore new ways to apply it, from screening investment opportunities to risk modelling and accelerating deal timelines.However, rising use of AI must be accompanied by expert human judgement and appropriate regulatory frameworks in order to safeguard against potentially damaging data errors or breaches in data security.

What's "Hot" as M&A Pace Picks Up

Global deal activity is heating up as economic and interest rates pressures ease, allowing investors to feel more confident about deploying the billions of dollars of capital they have accumulated as “dry powder”.The sectors attracting interest most consistently have been IT and healthcare, according to the authoritative Moore Compass report which monitors cross-border M&A activity in the mid-market.Here, partners in the Moore Global Corporate Finance (GCF) analyse the sectors attracting most attention from investors:

The New Shape of Cross-Border M&A

Medium-sized companies seeking to grow have traditionally looked to near neighbours. Buying a local rival might seem natural and straightforward but when a business is well established in its home country, the logical next step is to look beyond its own borders. 

The 5-year roller coaster of cross-border mid-market M&A

Almost 20,000 cross-border mergers and acquisitions have been sealed among mid-sized companies in the past five years, as ambitious firms look beyond their own borders for growth opportunities.

How to secure the best deal for your future

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a powerful way for growing companies to propel themselves forward and also for sellers to secure the financial future of their families and companies.


Corporate finance advisors are enabling businesses to seal strategic deals by providing bespoke ‘hybrid’ funding solutions that plug a critical funding gap and offer more flexibility than conventional transaction structures.

Crucial role of cross-border deals in driving M&A among mid-market companies revealed in new global study

Average value of cross-border deals among ambitious mid-sized companies is €47 million, 12% higher than equivalent domestic transactions  

Crucial role of cross-border deals in driving M&A among mid-market companies

The growing importance of cross-border mergers and acquisitions to mid-market businesses is revealed in the latest edition of Moore’s M&A Compass report.


A surge in European cross-border mergers and acquisitions activity among mid-sized companies is expected as economic conditions improve, according to a new analysis by Moore Global Corporate Finance (GCF).

The importance of local language and culture in cross-border M&A

Each month MOORE GLOBAL CORPORATE FINANCE M&A and transaction specialists share their latest insights and updates in this expert series that covers all global M&A issues. This month’s guest: Kenneth Ma, director Moore Transaction Services Ltd in Hong Kong, expert in valuation and due diligence